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Sustainable Finance Certification / ESG Reporting and Consulting / CESGA Exam and Training

Sustainable Finance Certification

Lianhe Green is an external reviewer recognised under the Hong Kong Monetary Authority’s Green and Sustainable Finance Grant Scheme, while Lianhe Equator, a shareholder of Lianhe Green, is a verification institution recognized by the Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI), and an observer organization for the Green Bond Principles (“GBP”) of the International Capital Market Association (“ICMA”). As the only green and sustainable finance external reviewer with Environmental Impact Assessment qualification in China, Lianhe Green is able to provide external assessment and certification services (including pre-issuance assessment and certification as well as post-issuance annual surveillance) for green and sustainable bond/loan issuers, as well as provide second-party opinions on issuers’/lenders’ green and sustainable financing frameworks by using both international and domestic green bond standards. In line with Lianhe Equator, Lianhe Green will use the Conformity Assessment — Requirements for Bodies Providing Audit and Certification of Management Systems (ISO/IEC 17021), Guidelines for Auditing Management Systems (ISO19011) and CBI’s Guidance for Verifiers as the methodological guidance, and the Green Bond Assessment and Certification Methodology (LEIS0002-2017) developed by Lianhe Equator as the standard for the specific work, assessing the comprehensive performance of green and sustainable bonds/loans in four dimensions, namely the use of proceeds, project assessment and screening process, proceeds management, and information disclosure and reporting.


Second Party Opinion, SPO

We conduct a detailed assessment of green/sustainable financing frameworks developed by companies, using a dual analytical approach that meets both Chinese and international standards. In addition, we will integrate national and regional sustainability policies and conduct an in-depth analysis of the social and environmental benefits of the framework to provide a comprehensive view of the sustainable financing framework.


Pre-Issuance Certification

Conduct an in-depth assessment and certification of the proposed green/sustainable bonds prior to issuance. This includes reviewing relevant disclosure documents, financing frameworks, and second-party opinions to ensure that the proceeds raised will be used exclusively for eligible green or sustainable projects.


Post-Issuance Certification

Issuers of green bonds or sustainable bonds are required to report on the use of proceeds and their environmental benefits annually after the bond issuance. Lianhe Green will provide ongoing tracking and certification services for these green or sustainable bonds, ensuring transparency and accountability.